Brain training before exams

Nov 15, 2016

Brain training for students

Anybody who is learning is a student. Students’ brain training is basically improving their learning abilities. To learn, is to acquire new skills by means of either studying or by experiencing or by being taught. But not everybody can learn at the same pace and that is why, even though a group of people are taught the same skill, some learn it quicker while some struggle and need a lot of practice.

How exactly does learning take place?

Learning is nothing but the formation of new neural connections or strengthening the existing ones. The networks of neurons become stronger and more efficient with practice and they grow in size with the increase in the strength of the network. This is because learning grows the grey matter in the brain.

The ability to influence neural connections is called neuroplasticity. The structural and functional changes in brain imaging reflect neuroplasticity. Although there is an age-related decline in neuroplasticity, the brain regions are still malleable, and can strengthen the connections depending on how much they are practiced.

So, how do we improve learning?

Some of the tips to improve your learning are:

  • Lots of practise : But this might not be the most efficient solution, since the amount of work you put in learning a simple task might not pay off in the longer run, but it surely makes you get better at the task that you’ve been pratising.
  • Boosting the student’s morale : Make sure you understand how the brain works, how everything is possible with regular practice and be confident about yourself. Encourage yourself. Self-confidence is the key to success in whatever one attempts.
  • Connecting the new information with what they already know : Since there’s already a connection in their brain for that information, relating to it would make it easier to learn.
  • Improving the brain’s plasticity : Brain, actually the grey matter in the brain, grows every time we learn something new or practice something that we already know. The brain keeps modifying its physical structure to accomodate the increased grey matter and the varied strength of connections. This property of the brain to alter itself is called neuroplasticity. It helps to learn better and can be improved with the help of neuroplasticity training exercises.

What are neroplasticity training exercises?

They are certain simple tasks that need you to pay attention or think or meditate or use both the hemispheres of your brain simultaneously. One of the best recommemded tasks is Dual-N-Back . At Brainturk, we provide a variety of games that help you exercise your brain and in turn increase your learning. So start exercising and get better at learning.

If you are a student, then the most important thing to you is to fare well in the assessments. These assessments could be projects or assignments or open book tests or quizzes or exams. Almost all forms of assessments are manageable since you get to refer sources before answering as opposed to exams, which is why it is feared the most. But fearing or getting stressed about it hampers your performance, so its important to be stress free and keep calm during the exams.

How to be stress free before the exams?

Burning the midnight oil or pulling an all nighter or cramming the entire syllabus the day before exam are to be avoided. Ideally, the day before the exam should just be meant for revison. When you feel you’ve been stuck at a topic, take a small break , distract your mind by keeping it occupied in something other than the topic you were stuck at. Try activites like juggling or going out for a walk or you could use any of the activities from Brainturk. After this short break, you’ll have a fresh mind and its easier to concentrate. Eat healthy, try and include more nuts, fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is always better to study in clean and tidy environments, if your study table is cluttered with things that you dont need immidiately, put them all in a carton box and make a comfortable place for yourself at the study table.

If you’re feeling nervous, meditate or try concentrating on your breathing for a few minutes or you could make use of these audios, available at brainturk, that guide you through meditation. Check out the Brainturk Mindful Meditation for guided medidation techniques. You could get yourself some nice aromatic candles or oil fragrance burners, inhalation of essential oils stimulates the parts of the brain that cause chemicals to be released which make the person feel calm and relaxed. And last but not the least, sleep well the night before exam, give your body the rest that it needs. Sleep deprivation will not only affect your mood and energy levels but also the ability to focus and concentrate.

Avoid the last minute panic and pack everything you need for the exam on the previous day itself. With a calm mind, you'll be able to recall better and that will definitely help you fare better at the exams.